* The pain and injury is not the only place where the problem exists
* Taking a global view of the body as a whole shows us the bigger picture of our symptoms
* The body cares more about being stable than being out of pain. This is the Big Paradox.
When assessing injury and/or pain Ortho-Bionomy looks always to follow the body to positions of comfort and support them there in a position of non stress. We use a series of trigger points and movements based on what symptoms the body is presenting. I also look closely at how the Kinnetic Chain of movement is flowing and responding. Moving from toes to head I look at how all the working parts are fitting together. I look for where movement stops or hits the wall. I look to see if there is engagement at all.
By applying the techniques of Ortho-Bionmy in a soup as the problem is presented that the map unfolds. Where to work, what techniques to apply and when to apply them all start with where the injury or pain resides then following its tentacles outward. It has been my experience that the pain or the problem is where we experience it but not usually where it starts. And even in acute injury there are usually secondary patterns that continue to exist after the tissue heals that keep the body in a state of continuous discomfort and relapse.